S i l k R o a d

Department of Tourism Management

Head of Department

  • Akmaljon Odilov Odilovich
  • Email: akmaljon.odilov@univ-silkroad.uz
  • 2025-01-08

The Department is a structural unit of the University.

The main purpose of the department is to provide qualitative educational process, coordinated implementation of educational-methodical, scientific, scientific-methodical and educational work, as well as the development of the most effective teaching technologies on the basis of integration of the educational process, project and professional activity in the following specialties and directions of training:

  • Marketing in the sphere of tourism;
  • Management: Management of recreation and travel;
  • Management: Tourism business management;
  • Management: Hotel management;
  • Management: Cultural Heritage Management;
  • Management: International Hospitality and Tourism Management;
  • Management: Restaurant business management.

The mission of the department is to train and develop professional managers in the field of tourism, hospitality and service, capable of successfully managing organizations in the dynamic and global business environment of the XXI century.

Main objectives


Diversification of the Department's activity, development of new types of training, which are in high demand in the market of educational services.

Development and introduction of modern educational technologies, improvement of the content and methods of teaching. Ensuring the control procedure by means of surveys and questionnaires of students, as well as the introduction of the testing system in the educational process. Developing the department's website and publishing teaching and learning materials to enable training, alternating classes in classrooms with distance learning.


Enhancing the Department's competitiveness in management theory and practice. Developing scientific topics and concepts:

  • theory and methodology of management in the modern tourism industry;
  • strategic management in tourism and hospitality industry;
  • management of innovations and investment activities in the tourism sector;
  • economics, organization and management of enterprises, sectors and complexes in the sphere of tourism and services;
  • marketing approach in management and specifics of marketing in different areas of tourism;
  • management of development, factors of competitiveness of tourism firms.

Principles of development of the department

  • the openness of structure, plans, strategies;
  • technologically sound methods, tools, techniques and procedures for conducting educational and scientific activities;
  • creating the spirit of a united team that shares the goals and ideology of the department on the basis of strengthening and developing traditions and social values, which contributes to participation in the common cause, strengthening the image, satisfaction with the work performed and increasing its effectiveness;
  • integration (creation of a system of communication links around the chair, involvement of its graduates in the orbit of the chair's interests);
  • implementation of feedback based on the evaluation of the obtained knowledge by means of questionnaires, conferences, involvement of the graduates in the scientific and educational work of the chair;
  • development of the competitive advantages of the chair (strengthening the existing ones and creating new competitive advantages).

Functions of the chair

  • participation in training and professional retraining using methods and technologies of modern management;
  • dissemination of knowledge in the field of science and practice through preparation and publication, including on the Internet, of educational, methodological and scientific literature;
  • conducting research and development on the problems of enterprise management in the field of tourism and service, publication of the results of research in scientific journals, speeches of scientists of the department with reports and presentations at international, all-Russian, regional, industry and other scientific conferences, forums;
  • replenishment of intellectual potential and continuous professional development of the department staff.

 For now at the department are the activity of 10 teachers. From them three doctors of sciences, professors, four candidates of sciences, associate professors. Besides, lectures on tourism are conducted by invited professors from leading educational institutions of Spain, Indonesia and China.

At the tourism and hospitality enterprises' work base practical classes on professional cycle disciplines, production practices and internships are organized, applied projects of active tourism are implemented. These technological sites are the main partners for employment of graduates.

Students studying in the areas of tourism and hospitality, had internships at tourism and hotel enterprises in Italy, Germany, Turkey and Indonesia.

In the work on training for tourism, the department focuses on innovative and project-based training of students, based on the study of fundamental concepts in combination with applied skills, based on professional language knowledge. This training approach is aimed at maximizing socio-psychological and pragma-functionality in tourism.

The structure of the department includes scientific student groups in the following areas:

  • Management and entrepreneurship in tourism (supervisor: Abdusaidova S.Y.);
  • Scientific and practical features of preparation of the hotel personnel (supervisor: Nimatov I.H.).

Within the framework of the student clubs the research, research and applied work in the form of research expeditions, development of author's individual and group projects is conducted. According to the results of NIRS for the last year, under the guidance of the PPS department, the students published 30 scientific works, of which:

  • 17 - in collections, indexed by the RINC database;
  • 3 - in the EAC publications;
  • 5 - in international collections.