Statute of the University
I. General provisions
1. The “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as the “University”) was established under the name of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism on the basis of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2018 No. PQ-3815 “On the establishment of the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism” and was renamed the “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage by the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 30, 2021 No. PQ-5270 “On measures to further improve the continuous system of training qualified personnel in the fields of tourism, cultural heritage and museology” and the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 27, 2023 “On measures to effectively organize state administration in the field of culture and tourism within the framework of administrative reforms” In accordance with Decree No. PF-114, it is included in the structural structure of the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. The University is a state higher educational institution and is engaged in educational activities in the implementation of basic and additional educational programs of higher education.
The University carries out educational, pedagogical, scientific, methodological and other activities and provides educational services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. In its activities, the University is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On Education", the National Program for Personnel Training, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, regulatory legal acts of the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Charter.
4. The University is a legal entity. It has its own special property under its operational management and is responsible for its obligations under this property, may acquire property in its own name and exercise property and non-property rights, assume obligations, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court.
It has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in banking institutions, including currency accounts, a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its name, stamps and other requisites.
The address of the University: Samarkand city, University Alley, 17.
Name of the University:
in Uzbek (in Cyrillic): “Ipak Yuli” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage;
in Uzbek (in Latin): “Ipak Yuli” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage;
in Russian: Международный университет туризма и культурного наследия “Шелковый путь”;
in English: “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
II. Main tasks of the university
5. The main tasks of the university are:
to ensure high-quality training of highly qualified professionals in the field of tourism in accordance with national and international educational standards, using modern innovative and scientific and pedagogical technologies, the latest achievements of science and technology;
to create educational and methodological literature in relevant areas and specialties of education, to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research involving young students and specialists, to introduce the experience of leading foreign educational institutions into the education system in the field of tourism;
to develop and introduce new educational programs and innovative forms of training aimed at improving and modernizing the system of personnel training in the field of tourism;
increase the scientific and pedagogical potential of the University by regularly sending promising young graduates to study at master's and doctoral degrees in foreign higher educational institutions and research centers, actively improve pedagogical technologies and teaching methods;
create conditions for the seamless integration of educational and scientific activities with production activities;
organize the training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the tourism sector;
carry out tourist activities and passenger transportation in the tourism sector;
develop cooperation with leading republican and foreign educational institutions and research centers, including by involving their specialists and experts in the processes of training and conducting scientific research, organize international scientific and practical conferences, seminars and symposiums to discuss current issues in the tourism sector.
III. Subjects of educational and scientific-methodological work, their rights and obligations
a) Students:
6. Admission of students to the university is regulated by law is carried out in accordance with the established procedure, upon applications from persons who have general secondary, secondary specialized, vocational education, as well as a certificate of English proficiency issued by a leading international English language institution and the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Qualifications under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations on Admission to the University approved by the Board of Trustees of the University.
Admission to the university's undergraduate programs is carried out on the basis of the average score of the applicant's subjects in the appendix to the document (certificate or diploma) on graduation from a general secondary or secondary specialized educational institution and the national or international certificate score issued by the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Qualifications for the level of English language proficiency, with strict adherence to the sequence of points, through recommendation to the student on the basis of a state grant and a payment-contract, and no additional exam is held.
Admission to the university's master's programs is carried out on the basis of the applicant's average score of the bachelor's diploma and the national or international certificate score issued by the Agency for the Assessment of Knowledge and Qualifications for the level of English language proficiency, with strict adherence to the sequence of points, through recommendation to the student on the basis of a state grant and a payment-contract, and no additional exam is held.
The amount of the fee-contract for a student enrolled on a fee-contract basis is determined independently, based on the annual training costs of one student, in agreement with the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Study at the university is organized in full-time (bachelor's and master's degrees), part-time (bachelor's and master's degrees) and distance learning (bachelor's and master's degrees).
The number of students admitted to the university is determined by the University Board of Trustees based on the need for personnel in the tourism sector and targeted orders from member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States.
Admission of foreign citizens to the university is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the University Board of Trustees. Also, persons with higher (secondary and further) education may be admitted to the university within the quota established in accordance with the Regulation on the procedure for obtaining secondary and further education in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
A person admitted to study by order of the rector of the university is considered a student of the university. The student is issued a student ID card.
7. University students have the following rights:
- receive knowledge that corresponds to the achievements of science, technology, modern technologies;
- use books, periodicals, electronic educational tools available in the university library (information and resource center) free of charge in accordance with the established procedure;
- receive free advice and recommendations;
- use auditoriums, educational process tools free of charge in accordance with the established procedure;
- to submit their suggestions, comments, and criticisms regarding the effectiveness of the educational process and the quality of education to the leadership of the educational institution, dean's office (school) and department in accordance with the established procedure and demand their consideration;
- to participate in public events held at the university and faculty (school) level;
- to participate in research and scientific conferences and publish their results and provide information about this;
- to become a member of public associations legally operating at the university and participate in their work;
- to work in accordance with labor legislation at the university itself and elsewhere in their free time;
- to receive high-quality and high-level education and to exercise other rights that do not contradict the legislation, necessary for becoming a highly qualified specialist in their chosen specialty.
The student must not abuse his rights and not use these rights for purposes contrary to the interests of other persons.
8. Students receiving education on the basis of state grants and paid-contract education in the form of training separated from production are provided with scholarships in the manner and amount established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Students have the right to receive state scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan and internal university scholarships in accordance with relevant regulatory legal acts.
9. During military service, health recovery, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as childcare leave, the student is entitled to Academic leave may be granted in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, students studying full-time are given the opportunity to postpone the term of military service during their studies at a higher educational institution.
11. Based on the capacity of the university's student dormitories, students in need are provided with a place in the university's student dormitories that meets sanitary standards and regulations.
The fee for student dormitories is determined by the University Senate, taking into account payments for utility services in student dormitories.
In the presence of students in need of housing, the use of the university's student dormitories for other purposes (rental, other agreements) is not allowed.
12. A student who has been expelled from the university voluntarily or for good reason has the right to be reinstated in accordance with the procedure and rules for transferring, reinstating and expelling students established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
University students have the right to transfer (reinstate) their studies to other higher educational institutions in accordance with the established procedure and rules.
It is prohibited to transfer (reinstate) students from non-state and foreign higher educational institutions that do not have a license to conduct educational activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as outside the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The procedure and rules for transferring, reinstating and expelling students from one higher educational institution to another are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
13. University students must master the knowledge stipulated in the state educational standards of higher education, qualification requirements, curricula and plans, complete all types of assignments within the established time, and comply with the university charter, internal regulations, rules of conduct and rules of student dormitories. The requirement to comply with the rules of student dormitories applies to students living in student dormitories. It is prohibited to involve students in work not related to the educational process at the expense of study time, except for cases stipulated by the resolutions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14. A student may be expelled from a higher educational institution in the following cases:
a) at his own request;
b) in connection with the transfer of studies to another educational institution;
c) due to health reasons (based on a certificate from the medical commission);
d) for violation of academic discipline and internal regulations of the university;
e) due to failure to pay the tuition fee on time (for those studying under a fee-based contract);
f) due to the student being deprived of liberty by a court;
j) due to death.
A student subject to disciplinary punishment may, in accordance with the procedure established by law, appeal to the rector, the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, or other authorized organizations with a complaint about the legality and fairness of the punishment imposed on him.
Information on the disciplinary punishment imposed on the student is stored in his personal file.
When a student is expelled from the university, he is given his personal documents, an academic certificate of the established form, and a copy of them is stored in the personal file.
Disciplinary measures are applied no later than one month after the act is detected and no later than six months after the act is committed, regardless of the time the student is on illness or vacation. It is prohibited to take disciplinary measures against students during their illness, academic leave, or vacation related to pregnancy and childbirth.
The student or his/her parents shall notify the dean's office (school) of his/her illness in writing, usually no later than one week, and shall submit the original medical certificate.
b) Basic doctoral students, doctoral students, and independent researchers:
15. Basic doctoral students, doctoral students, and independent researchers of the university are persons who are conducting research in a specific area and are preparing a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc).
The organization of postgraduate education at the level of basic doctoral studies at the level of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Science (DSc) and continuation as an independent researcher is carried out in accordance with current legal documents.
c) The university's professors and teachers kibi, teaching and administrative-economic staff (personnel)
16. The University has the positions of professors and teachers, scientific staff, engineering-technical, administrative-economic, production, teaching and other employees.
The professors and teachers include the positions of dean (head of school), head of department, professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, teacher (assistant), independent researcher, teacher-intern, and basic doctoral student.
17. Positions in the professors and teachers are filled on a competitive basis under a fixed-term employment contract in accordance with the Regulations on the Procedure for the Competitive Recruitment of Teaching Staff of the University.
The Vice-Rectors for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research and Innovation of the University are appointed by the General Manager of the University on the recommendation of the Rector of the University.
The First Vice-Rector of the University is appointed by the Board of Trustees.
18. The teaching staff and scientific staff of the university have the following rights:
- to elect and be elected to the councils of the higher educational institution and faculty (school) in accordance with the established procedure;
- to participate in discussing issues related to the activities of the higher educational institution;
- to use the services of the information and resource center, educational and scientific departments of the higher educational institution, as well as the services of social and household, medical and other departments in accordance with the collective agreement;
- to choose teaching methods and means, to carry out research work that ensures the high quality of the educational and scientific process;
- to appeal in accordance with the procedure established by law to the orders and orders of the administration of the higher educational institution;
- to participate in competitions and hold positions in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- to get acquainted with the scientific and educational and methodological literature of foreign colleagues in the field and exchange views with them;
- improve theoretical knowledge, practical experience, research methods, pedagogical skills;
- supervise students' research work;
- conduct research work, participate in fundamental, applied and innovation projects, foreign scientific projects and economic contracts;
- prepare textbooks and manuals, write monographs and scientific articles, obtain patents for inventions;
- conduct research work in accordance with the approved plan, participate in the discussion of research work and introduce their results into production, recommend the publication of scientific work results;
- participate in ensuring the effective integration of education, science and production;
- supervise students' research work;
- participate in the development of international relations with leading foreign scientists, scientific centers and educational institutions;
- exercise other rights established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education.
19. The obligations of the university's teaching staff and scientific staff are as follows:
- strictly observe the legislation on education, labor and executive discipline, the University Charter, Internal Rules and Code of Conduct, conscientiously perform their official duties and not tarnish their profession;
- maintain friendly relations with employees of the institution, students and other persons with whom they communicate in the course of work;
- fulfill the legal orders of the employer, timely and qualitatively perform educational-methodical, scientific and spiritual-educational work based on an annually approved personal plan, in particular:
a) fulfill the volume of educational loads, educational-methodical, scientific, educational-organizational work based on an approved personal plan and participate in spiritual-educational work;
b) prepare textbooks, study guides based on research results, write educational literature, scientific articles, monographs, obtain patents for inventions;
c) participate in ensuring the effective integration of education, science and production, supervise students' research work;
d) conduct educational work, directly participate in spiritual and educational work with students, including participation in events held outside of class;
e) participate in scientific topics carried out at the department approved by the University Senate;
f) regularly improve their qualifications;
- comply with the rules of labor protection, safety equipment and industrial sanitation;
- protect the property of the University, use it rationally;
- compensate the employer for actual material damage caused directly through their own fault;
- participate in public affairs of the University;
- ensure the effectiveness of the pedagogical and scientific process;
- higher professional training in the chosen field (specialty) of students formation of character, ability to work;
- knowledge of at least one or two foreign languages, based on increasing literacy in foreign languages and information technologies;
- formation of independent thinking, initiative, and creative abilities in students;
- participation in the “Teacher-Student” system and carrying out scientific, spiritual, educational, and educational work with students assigned to him;
- being an example with his manners, culture, and spiritual level;
- adherence to the culture of dressing;
- unconditional compliance with the approved internal rules of procedure;
- being aware of the reforms being implemented in the republic and the news happening in the world;
- active participation in cultural, spiritual, and educational events organized by the university, faculty (school), and department;
- regularly enriching the subject program he teaches based on scientific and technical achievements;
- conduct classes at a high level;
- find new sources related to the subject area and introduce students to them;
- develop a working curriculum, calendar plan and rating control schedule for the subject(s) he/she teaches before the start of each academic year and approve it at the department meeting;
- conduct rating events on time;
- objectively assess student knowledge;
- use new pedagogical technologies in the teaching process;
- improve scientific potential and pedagogical skills;
- supervise students' research work;
- have information and ideas about existing problems in production enterprises and institutions in his/her specialty and have a research topic related to solving existing problems in the production process;
- have his/her own or co-authored developments and technologies based on the research topic being conducted;
- to improve their skills or undergo internships in their specialty within the appropriate periods;
- to actively participate in the reforms being implemented in the higher education system.
20. The university's teaching staff ensures a guarantee of improving their skills at least once every three years.
21. The rights and obligations of the university's administrative, economic, engineering, technical, teaching and support staff and other service personnel are determined by the Internal Procedure and Code of Conduct of the higher education institution and job descriptions.
IV. Educational and scientific-methodological work
22. The university implements basic educational programs of higher education and postgraduate education in the field of tourism, programs of additional education (retraining and advanced training of personnel).
23. The Board of Trustees may make changes and additions to the educational programs taught at the University.
24. The University implements the main educational programs of education in two stages: bachelor's, master's, PhD and doctoral studies.
Bachelor's degree is a basic higher education that provides fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of education, the duration of which is not less than 3 years.
Graduates who complete the bachelor's program are awarded the "bachelor" degree in the field of education based on the results of state certification and are awarded an international diploma.
Master's degree is a higher education that provides fundamental and practical knowledge in a specific specialty of the field, based on a bachelor's degree, the duration of which is not less than 1 year.
Graduates who complete the master's program are awarded the international "master's" degree in a specific specialty prepared based on the results of state certification and are awarded an international diploma.
Bachelor's and Master's state diplomas give their holders the right to engage in professional activity or continue their studies at the next stages of educational institutions in accordance with the chosen field of study and specialty, or to work in the specialty they have acquired.
Graduates of the PhD program are awarded the international "Doctor of Philosophy" PhD degree in a specific specialty prepared based on the results of state certification and are awarded an international diploma.
Initial education in basic educational programs at various stages of higher education is not considered as receiving a second higher education.
25. The organization of the educational process at the university is regulated by curricula and subject programs approved in the established manner, the annual calendar academic schedule and the schedule of classes approved by the rector of the university (vice-rector for academic affairs).
The educational process should be organized through targeted orientation, that is, through the selection of educational forms, methods and means, to create the necessary conditions for university students to master the main professional educational programs of higher education.
The unity of the educational process is ensured by state educational standards.
University The First Vice-Rector shall supervise and coordinate the activities of the departments of socio-economic and humanitarian sciences, spiritual-educational and sports sections of the university, students and other public organizations.
26. The following main types of training are established at the university: lecture, consultation, seminar, practical training, laboratory work, individual training, control work, independent work, internship, course project (course work), bachelor's graduation qualification work and master's dissertation.
27. For all types of classroom training, 50-minute academic hours are established. The break between training sessions is at least 10 minutes.
Full-time studies at the university are conducted in English. Part-time studies are conducted in Russian and Uzbek.
28. Training at the University is carried out both separately and in conjunction with production.
29. The academic year at the University is divided into two semesters for undergraduate studies and three semesters (trimesters) for master's degrees, and in each of them, students' mastery is carried out in the form of a credit system and GPA.
The educational process at the University is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the credit system of education at the University, approved by the Board of Trustees.
30. The University carries out scientific and methodological work aimed at improving the quality of training specialists through the use of advanced pedagogical and information technologies, independent learning tools, a modular system, and distance learning.
Postgraduate education:
31. Within the framework of postgraduate education at the university, doctoral students and independent researchers are attached to higher education institutions to train scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in accordance with the “List of specialties of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel” approved by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to prepare and defend dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (DSc) in sciences.
32. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4732 dated June 12, 2015 “On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of managerial and pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 278 dated September 26, 2012 “On measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions”, professional training programs for retraining and advanced training of personnel are implemented. A state certificate (diploma) is issued according to the results of training at the Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel, approved in the established manner.
33. The university widely involves students, graduate students, senior research fellows and independent researchers in conducting research and creative work on the topics and plans approved by the Senate, ensuring the quality of work and labor safety.
Research is financed from the following funds:
- state budget funds allocated for fundamental, applied and innovative research in important areas of science, technology and culture;
- funds from sectoral ministries, departments, enterprises, associations, etc., including foreign organizations, on a contractual basis;
- proceeds from the introduction of research results into production;
- extra-budgetary funds;
- sponsoring organizations and enterprises;
- local budget funds.
V. Structure of the University
34. The University has a structure approved by the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 28, 2018 No. PQ-3815 "On the establishment of the "Silk Road" International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage".
The Board of Trustees of the University has the right to make changes to the structure of the University.
VI. University Management
35. The Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan is also the General Manager of the University.
The management of the University is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Charter through the Senate of the University, the Rector, the Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the General Manager of the University, and the Board of Trustees on the principle of harmonizing public management.
Educational and methodological guidance and the educational process at the University are carried out using advanced innovative and scientific and pedagogical technologies Provided by the Tourism Committee under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change.
36. The Board of Trustees of the University is the highest public management body that promotes the development of the University in the following areas:
supporting new forms, programs and promising initiatives that contribute to the development of higher education in the field of tourism, effectively implementing the results of scientific developments in the activities of entities in the field of tourism;
more effective cooperation with state, public and business structures on the employment of graduates;
developing the practice of concluding partnership agreements on cooperation and their implementation;
establishing and developing international cooperation in the field of education and science;
improving the working conditions of the teaching staff and other employees of the University and their social security;
organizing financial support for the University, assisting in attracting extra-budgetary funds, charitable donations and other sources to ensure and develop its activities.
The Rector of the University is elected by the Board of Trustees of the University until the full formation of the teaching staff, and then by the teaching staff in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the University by secret ballot.
The Rector is fully responsible for the activities of the University, as well as for the obligations established by the Internal Regulations of the University, the Code of Ethics, and this Charter.
The Rector acts on behalf of the University in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, participates as its representative in all departments, institutions, and enterprises, is responsible for the property of the University, concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, opens university accounts in banking institutions, and issues orders on the use of financial resources in accordance with the established procedure.
Within the framework of the University's authority, the Rector:
- issues orders and gives instructions that are mandatory for all employees, students, and other students of the University;
- appoints and dismisses deans of faculties (heads of schools), heads of departments and chief accountants;
- recommends candidates for the positions of vice-rectors of the university and determines the specific duties and responsibilities of vice-rectors, deans (heads of schools);
- hires and dismisses university employees and employees, as well as scientific and pedagogical staff, in accordance with the procedure established by the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers;
- appoints and dismisses employees of the legal service in consultation with the relevant judicial body;
- determines the tasks of research, experimental and other organizations and divisions within the university and approves regulations on them;
- determines monthly bonuses and supplements to the salaries of university employees in accordance with the established procedure (except for the rector and vice-rector);
- approves the Internal Regulations of the university in agreement with the trade union committee or other authorized body of the university;
- cancels orders issued in violation of current legislation or regulatory legal acts of the ministry;
- approves the funds allocated in accordance with the Model Staff Units and the salary fund, the approved number of university employees and position salaries, the staff unit of the university's teaching staff and the position salaries of university employees within the framework of the tariff grid, and determines the position salaries;
Based on the requirements of the "Regulations on the Department of a Higher Education Institution", the university establishes or abolishes departments on the recommendation of the University Senate.
37. In accordance with the "Regulations on Higher Education", the Senate is established at the University to consider the main issues of the university's activities.
The Senate includes the Rector of the University (Chairman of the Senate), Rector's Advisors, Vice-Rectors, Deans (Heads of Schools) by their positions. Depending on the situation, the General Manager of the university may participate in the Senate meeting. The Rector is the Chairman of the Senate of the university.
One representative is elected as a member of the Senate from among professors with a PhD and higher degree from each faculty (school) and from among teachers of each faculty (school).
The Senate also includes student representatives. The student representative (bachelor, master and PhD) elected as a member of the Senate is selected by the student parliament.
The Rector may include heads of structural divisions of the university in each Senate meeting, depending on the situation. kin. The Rector may include up to 6 members from the world's leading scientific and educational organizations in the Senate.
The decisions of the Senate are adopted by an open vote of the majority of its members (51 percent). If 2/3 of the Senate members vote, the decisions of the Senate become legally binding.
38. The powers of the University Senate:
-to make decisions on organizing conferences, as well as resolving other issues related to their holding;
- to determine, in agreement with the Board of Trustees, the main promising areas of development of the university, including its educational and scientific activities;
- to consider the main issues of organizing the educational process, including determining the rules for admitting students, drawing up a curriculum, regulating the current procedure for teaching students, and reviewing the results of students' mastery of the final tests;
-consider the financial and economic activity plan and the university development program;
-listen to the annual reports of the university rector;
-make decisions within its competence on educational issues, scientific and research issues;
-approve the work plan of the university Senate;
-recommend candidates from among the university professors and teachers for academic titles;
-make decisions on the establishment and liquidation of structural divisions implementing the activities of the university (on the implementation of scientific, scientific and research and scientific and technical laboratory activities, on the establishment and liquidation of divisions implementing educational activities of other organizations implementing scientific and technical activities);
-conduct the university pedagogical staff through a competition in the Senate;
-recommend university employees for State Awards;
-grant honorary titles in accordance with the rules approved by the university Senate;
-approve the rules governing student scholarships at the university;
-recommend student candidates for state and honorary scholarships.
39. A trade union and other public organizations may operate at the university.
40. The protection of the legal interests of professors, teachers and employees is carried out by the central council of the trade union and their elected representative at the university in accordance with current legislation.
41. Responsibilities of the university:
-ensure the successful functioning of the university, improve labor culture and discipline, improve the professional skills of employees, and prevent tariff rates from decreasing compared to current ones;
-provide the labor team with material and technical resources and financial funds in a timely manner to implement the production program;
-create all conditions for increasing labor productivity, mastering advanced experience, and implementing scientific and technical achievements in practice;
-regularly inform the labor team about the implementation of the production program, the financial condition of the university and the use of the profits received;
-conduct professional training, retraining, and advanced training for employees at the university itself;
-conclude a collective agreement, establish control over its implementation, as well as submit information to the Trade Union Committee on other issues stipulated by the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other laws, the constituent documents of the university, collective agreements, and the collective agreement;
-cooperate with the trade union committee within the framework of the established labor procedure, timely consider mutual proposals and requirements, and resolve labor disputes through negotiations.
In accordance with the current regulations, the university may establish scientific-methodological, scientific-technical councils and commissions, a council of young scientists, etc. The Rectorate and the Senate consider the recommendations of public organizations of the university in their activities and take them into account in their activities.
42. The deans of the faculties (heads of schools) of the university are appointed on the recommendation of the rector in agreement with the General Manager. The dean of the faculty (head of school) in his activities is guided by the Regulations “On the Faculty”. A council is established at the faculty, the composition, powers, formation and procedure for the activities of the council are determined by the Regulations “On the Council of the Faculty”.
43. The powers of the head of the department and the procedure for the activities of the department are determined on the basis of the regulations approved by the University and by the duties of the position.
VII. Financial and economic activities and material and technical base
44. In order to implement and use the activities provided for in this Charter, the university is provided with buildings, structures, property complexes, equipment in accordance with the university passport, as well as property necessary for consumer, social, cultural and other purposes is attached.
45. The University is granted the right to own funds, property and other property objects transferred from individuals and legal entities as a gift, donation or bequest, intellectual and creative products considered the result of the University's activities, as well as income received through its activities and property objects purchased at the expense of these incomes.
46. The University has the right to act as a lessor of property and a lessor of property. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the "Regulations on the Procedure for Leasing State Property" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the University leases state property and other property in the form of buildings, structures and their parts, equipment, vehicles, the lease of which does not contradict the legislation, at established prices, without the right to dispose of them with the consent of the Council.
The appropriate part of the funds received as rent is used to develop the educational process.
47. The financial support of the educational activities of the University is carried out at the expense of budgetary funds allocated for the training of specialists on the basis of state grants, funds allocated for retraining and advanced training of employees based on the standards established by the state, as well as extra-budgetary funds, including funds received in the prescribed manner for the training of students and listeners on the basis of payment contracts, and other sources not prohibited by law.
48. The University may carry out paid service activities in educational and other areas without detracting from its main activities. The entrepreneurial activity carried out by the University must comply with the tasks established by its charter.
The University has the right to set prices for paid educational services, consultations and other services, and to independently dispose of the income remaining after taxes and other mandatory payments provided for by law.
The University independently resolves issues related to the conclusion of contracts, determination of obligations and other conditions that do not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Charter.
49. The salaries of employees at the University are determined by the Board of Trustees. The salary of an employee of the University is paid for the performance of his functional duties and work stipulated in the employment contract. The size of additional salaries, bonuses, material assistance and other material incentives is determined by the University independently, within the framework of the salary fund, in the manner and in the amount stipulated by the legislation.
50. Allocates the premises necessary for the activities of public organizations established at the University. The medical base located on the territory of the University, as well as canteens, buffets and other catering establishments serving students, listeners and employees, are allocated premises equipped with heating, lighting and water supply.
Repair, reconstruction or construction of new buildings of the University, their financial support are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation.
VIII. International cooperation
51. On behalf of the University, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the General Manager participate in international cooperation on educational issues in accordance with Article 33 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and have the right to establish direct contacts with relevant educational institutions of foreign countries in accordance with the established procedure.
Training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens, teaching and research work of scientific and pedagogical staff of an educational institution outside the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan are carried out on the basis of agreements between the intergovernmental body of the relevant bodies of foreign states on education management, as well as agreements concluded directly by the University with foreign citizens and foreign legal entities in accordance with the legislation.
52. Has the right to conclude agreements on joint activities with foreign partners in accordance with the established procedure, which cannot be considered international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
53. The University has the right to engage in foreign economic activities aimed at fulfilling the tasks stipulated in this Charter and established by the Law "On Education" and the National Program for Personnel Training, as well as developing international relations, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
54. The University is headed by a rector, a national cultural monument, as the main office of which is intended mainly for academic self-government bodies and academic ceremonies.
uses the horse building.
55. The status of the University Rectorate building as a national cultural monument is regulated by special regulatory legal acts.
IX. Final provisions
56. The University is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the following:
-failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to it or for their insufficient and poor quality;
-incomplete fulfillment of the volume of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedules during the educational process;
-life safety of students, listeners, doctoral candidates, professors and other employees of the University during the educational process;
-violation of the rights and freedoms of students and university employees;
-other actions stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
57. The University may be reorganized or liquidated in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the current resolutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
58. This Charter shall be registered and enter into force after its approval by the Board of Trustees.
Amendments or additions to this Charter shall be made in accordance with the established procedure in consultation with the Board of Trustees of the University.