The Senate of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage is organized under the chairmanship of the Rector of the University to consider the main issues concerning its activities.
The Senate of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage includes major scientists and specialists, heads of regional departments of public, specialized secondary education, carrying out activities in a certain direction.
The Senate of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage carries out its activities in accordance with an annually approved plan for the academic year.
Decisions of the Senate of “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage concerning all issues of educational, scientific-methodical, research, spiritual-educational and organizational activities are taken by majority vote, by open voting.
The Senate of the University is established under the chairmanship of the Rector to consider the main issues related to the university activities.
The structure of the Senate is organized from the rector, vice-rectors, deans of faculty, directors of independent organizations and sectors that are a part of the university. The rest of the members of the Senate are elected by secret vote. The number of elected members of the Senate from the faculty is determined by the order of the Rector. Major scientists and specialists working on topical issues of the university can be included in the Senate. The term of office is 5 years.
The composition of the Senate is approved by the order of the Rector of the university. At the beginning of each academic year new members are elected to the Senate or introduced in accordance with the regulations.
Aims and objectives of the Senate
The purpose of the Senate is to train professional specialists with skills, qualifications and knowledge at the level of the state standard of education, to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in the Acts “On education” and “On the national training program”, taking into account the interests, intellectual potential and other opportunities of the university.
The Senate of the University:
It studies the strict implementation of curricula and programs in accordance with the national training program, and makes recommendations and tasks on the main tasks of the university;
Listens to reports on cooperation with organizations-customers who have a need in graduates in national economy, marketing service, as well as on the results of admission committee, on the activities of scientific communities of the university, academic lyceums, on spiritual-educational, research and educational activities of faculties;
Discusses the issues of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff, the implementation of work plans for spiritual and educational activities, scientific research and takes appropriate decisions;
Recommends for an internship in foreign higher education institutions through the “Istedod” fund and others, candidates from among the teaching staff and students;
Recommends candidates for participation in the competition for personal state scholarships and state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from among independent research trainees and gifted students of the university;
Develops measures to improve the health and physical fitness of students in collaboration with the fund “Soglom Avlod Uchun”;
Discusses and develops recommendations to improve the efficiency of students’ qualification practice, as well as to strengthen the material and technical base, the development of corporate cooperation with organizations, enterprises and institutions that are the main customers;
Takes decisions on establishing cooperation with foreign higher education institutions;
Listens to management reports on the activities of small businesses, firms and courses involved in educational activities and takes appropriate decisions;
Defines the activities to improve the health and safety of students and university professors.
Organization of the activities of the Senate
The Senate of the University carries out its activities in accordance with the annually approved work plan. The plan of the Senate is approved by the Rector of the university after consideration by the members of the Senate.
The decisions of the Senate on questions concerning educational, educational-methodical, research, spiritual-educational activity of the university are taken by majority of votes by open voting. The session of the Senate is considered to be held in case of participation in the session not less than 2/3 of the total number of participants.
Decisions on competition and representations held on awarding scientific titles of professor or associate professor, as well as appointment to the post of professor-teaching staff are taken by secret voting in the established order.
Decisions of the Senate come into force after being signed by the Rector of the University.
The session of the Senate shall be drawn up by protocol. The protocols shall be signed by the President and the Speaker of the Senate.
The Chairman of the Academic Council organizes checks on the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council and also reports to the members of the Academic Council on the results of the work.