Tourism Management faculty
Training of competitive professional staff in the hotel, restaurant and travel industry, meeting the highest international standards.
Main functions of the dean's office
- Ensuring the implementation of the state educational standard;
- Development and implementation of the development strategy of the faculty;
- Creation and realization in practice of professional educational programs, working curricula and working programs, disciplines;
- Creation of conditions for the formation of the main components of the competence of students, ensuring the success of the future professional activity of the graduates;
- Providing systematic interaction with employers, educational authorities, organizations, institutions and enterprises;
- Development and implementation of activities to improve the educational process in order to improve the quality of students' training;
- Analysis and control of the educational process;
- Coordination of the work of the faculties and chairs, implementation of inter-departmental contacts both within the faculties and interaction with other faculties, including other higher education institutions.
- Organization of educational work at the faculties;
- Participation in the preparation of documents for the licensing of educational programs and state accreditation of the university;
- Organization and implementation of professional orientation work and ensuring the admission of students to the faculty, their professional training;
- Coordination of students' activity at the faculty;
- The implementation of the final state attestation of faculty graduates, the admission committee of the faculty during the calendar year;
- Organization of communication with the graduates of the faculty; study of the quality of training of specialists graduated by the faculty, as well as keeping records of their employment;
- Conducting the rating of the students of the faculty in accordance with the normative base of the university;
- Preparation and submission by the faculty of current and reporting documentation to the management of the educational institution, to the educational authorities;
- Carrying out the work on strengthening and development of the material and technical base of the faculty;
- Control over the execution of the schedule of studies, as well as examinations and credits;
- Control over the progress and attendance of students;
- Organization and holding of interchair meetings, seminars and conferences;
- Organization of monitoring the quality of the educational process; analysis of students' performance, academic discipline;
- Solution of issues related to the educational activity of students;
- Keeping records of academic debts of students;
- Participation in the final state attestation;
- Nomination of candidates and execution of documentation for registered fellows;
- Introduction of new technologies of education and knowledge control of students, ensuring in the process of their education the introduction of differentiated and individual training;
- Preparation of draft orders of a disciplinary nature;
- Organization and implementation of educational activities (faculty meetings, scientific, creative and socially useful events, ceremonial acts);
- Ensuring the participation of faculty students in the events of university, city, regional and international levels;
- Interaction with parents of students on educational and disciplinary issues;
- Participation in the planning of the didactic-methodic and educational work of the chairs;
- Assistance to the work of the student government bodies to the student Parliament, elders, councils of creative collectives;
- Implementation of forms of social support and protection of students (appointment to social scholarships; selection of documentation for the payment of one-time scholarships for social support, one-time material assistance, etc.);
- Participation in the work of the Academic Council of the University and its commissions on the organization of educational process, in the activities of the Council for educational work, in the work of examination, certification and appeal commissions;
- Development of local regulations and documents of methodological nature, providing the educational process of the University;
- Maintenance of office work and document management on the functioning of the faculty according to the nomenclature of dean's affairs, preparation of documents, orders and instructions on the faculty.
The Faculty of Tourism Management was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the establishment of the International University of Tourism "Silk Road" from June 28, 2018 PO № 3815. The total number of students of the faculty is 450 students. At the faculty of "Tourism Management" were created 4 departments and are trained in the following areas:
Bachelor's degree
1. Department of Tourism "Management"
2. Department of Tourism Services;
3. Department of Pedagogy and Social Services in Tourism;
4. Chair of "Practical Languages";
5. Master's degree